Camping Safety – How to Avoid Wild Animal Encounters

Taking extra precautions while camping is critical for your camping safety. Always check nearby trees for signs of wildlife. Never feed wild animals unless you have an appropriate meal for them. This will encourage them to keep coming and may cause an unpleasant encounter. If you must feed them, make sure you clean your food waste thoroughly and dispose of it properly. Do not feed animals in your campsite, as this can attract more wildlife to the area. Make sure you are aware of how to react in case you do encounter wild animals.
Bears are not aggressive towards humans unless they are threatened. The only time a bear will attack humans is if they believe they are threatening their cubs. Although this is rare, it does happen. Always keep an eye out for animal signs, like bear footprints or fresh tracks. If you’re boondocking in bear country, make sure you watch for the signs of bear activity.
Keep your food and drink supplies out of reach of wild animals. Food remnants should be sealed in plastic bags so that they don’t attract unwanted wildlife. Oftentimes, campgrounds have bear-safe trash receptacles for your convenience, but if you are camping in an undeveloped area, take extra precautions. You can also use fabric softener sheets to hide food smells. Keep a flashlight nearby and never leave food out unattended.
Keep away from hives. Bees attract people with their flower-coloring, and disturbing a bee hive can be dangerous. Bees and other stinging insects are among the most dangerous animals in the world, killing 58 people every year, according to the Washington Post. However, you don’t have to be afraid of these animals. If you’re camping in a protected area, you’ll have little to fear, and the chance of encountering them is less than one in a million.
If you do encounter a bear while camping, don’t feed it! Animals often wander into campsites because of the smell. Don’t leave any food or garbage unattended, and make sure the area is clean enough to get out quickly. If a bear does make eye contact with you, leave the area and stay away until the bear has passed. By following these tips, you can avoid encounters with wild animals while camping.
A heavy-duty flashlight can scare off many animals, but raccoons and snakes are much larger than humans. Even if you don’t encounter a snake, you can prepare yourself for an unpleasant encounter with the animal. While you’re camping, consider sleeping on a groundsheet instead of a bivy sack. As far as camping safety goes, there are 10 tips that will help you ensure your camping trip is safe and free of dangerous encounters.
Be aware of your surroundings. Wild animals are a normal part of camping, but how you react can affect your safety. Bears aren’t the only ones who might be attracted to trash. Mountain lions can also be attracted to garbage, so be aware of your surroundings and act appropriately. So be sure to secure your food. If you happen to encounter a mountain lion, you may need to take more precautions.